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姓  名: 李爱华 性  别:
职  位: 经理 单位传真: 0888-5122210
常用固定电话: 0888-6641492
E-mail: linda81109@126.com 个人手机: 6645099
QQ: 5948923 MSN:  
单位网址: 邮政编码: 674100
个性签名: 退一步海阔天空,快乐每一天!
法人代表: 杨璞
公司性质: 集体
注册资金: 5000
员工人数: 51 - 100人
开户行: 中国工商银行丽江支行

Brief Introduction about Melody Hotel

美域酒店是由美域酒店管理有限公司管理的四星级标准的纳西风格渡假休闲别墅酒店。也是丽江第一家引进追踪式管家服务及推行尊贵会员制服务理念的酒店。Melody Hotel is four-star standard with Naxi style recreational villa hotel managed by Melody Hotel Management limited Company. It is also the first hotel in Lijiang who introduces follow-up service by villa steward and to carry out the honored membership system in the hotel. 酒店位于云南省丽江市瓜玳国别墅小区,环境优越,交通便利,紧邻拥有世界三大遗产的丽江古城,距机场仅需30分钟路程,到古城仅需8分钟车程。酒店东眺丽江古城狮子山,南望文笔峰,北面与玉龙雪山对望。Meiyun Hotel locates in the Lotus Town - Guadaiguo Villa district in Lijiang, Yunnan province with nice environment and convenient transportation, adjoining World Cultural Heritage- Lijiang Old Town, 30 minutes driving from airport and 8 minutes driving to Old Town. It is facing Lion Mt. on its east, Wenbi Peak on its south and Yulong Snow Mt. on its north.目前酒店共有85间客房,其中有9个特色单人房,9个特色标间,2个套房,65个标间。每个标间价格一样,却风格各异,圈椅、榻榻米、古典家具……各种风格大相径庭的房间不断冲击你的视觉末梢。我们相信,您一定可以在美域找到自己喜欢的房间。At present, our hotel own 85 rooms with 9 special single room, 9 special standard room, 2 suite room, 65 standard room. Each standard room with same price has various styles, Round-backed armchair, tatami, classical furniture, ect. Different decoration style will make your eyes dazzled. We believe you’ll find your favorite room here. 每一位客人都是我们的VIP,让每一位客人都能尽享优质、高效、温馨的服务,得到无微不至的关怀是我们的义务,我们的目标是服务品牌的创新。We treat every guest as VIP and offer excellent, efficient and warm-heated service. It’s our duty to offer considerate service and our goal is to create new brand name. 以西餐结合云南风味菜系的餐厅,让您既可以享受都市的美味,又可以一饱纳西族美食的口福。Our restaurant provides Yunnan flavor cuisine linked with Western style to make you taste both metropolitan style and Naxi local flavor. 酒店拥有装修高雅别致的酒吧,各种高档洋酒、鸡尾酒、咖啡尽在其中,选择美域是否让您的丽江之行更加充满了情调呢?our hotel own nice bar, various Western wine, cocktail wine and coffee… Is it true that choosing our hotel make your trip in Lijiang more charming? 酒店还拥有现代化的室内会议室、户外会议室、商务中心、棋牌室、健身房等设施,让您足不出户就可以享受商务、娱乐的便捷服务。Our hotel also possess modern in-door meeting room, out-door meeting room, business center, chess room, gym etc. We’ll make you enjoy convenient business and entertainment service without going out far away. 现代化的供暖设备、电梯、房间免费宽带上网等,让您感受舒适的旅程。We’ll make you enjoy your pleasant trip by offering modern heating system, elevator, free ADSL ect. in the room.